My Empower Team

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why we all need a little Empowerment in our lives.

We all need a little Empowerment in our lives so that we are not running through the hamster wheel day and night. Also going through the same routine and accepting life the way it is. David Wood and David Sharp are showing us that there is a better life out there.

Many people will never know what "real" Freedom feels like because they are still in that old school mentality of,"we have to work hard to make a living". And with Empower Network you don't have too work your ass off to live the American dream. If you want to make your boss rich, then go right a head because I'm done. I'm the BOSS now!!!! It's that type of mentality that we need to succeed and become more than what we were meant to be.

I hear people complain everyday about how they wish they had a better job, a better life, more money, more time or just different skills and yet they try so hard to find a better job with more work and more hours to barely make it. And have the miniscule luxury just to go to the movie or even just have a nice dinner. But I never hear, "how can I better myself to become more" or "what new skills can I learn to be my own boss"

We are so busy with our lives that we don't take time to read a book or listen to audio that will motivate us inspire us and maybe change the way we think. I think it all comes down to how we were raised, because if our parents didn't know what to say, how to say all the positive talks that are in books how are we going to know. Unless someone tells us or shows us or inspires us  that there is different way a... better way of doing things. Then our lives would be better.

As a matter of fact they don't even teach this type of thinking in our schools. Can you imagine the impact young kids would have if they had a class with someone like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, David Wood or even David Sharpe? We would have super bright kids with promising futures all guaranteed.

I'm in it to win it....I'm doing this for my kids, my wife, my parents but especially for MY SELF.

"Why do we fall Bruce, "so we can learn to pick our self's up - Thomas Wayne (Batman Begins)

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