My Empower Team

Monday, August 27, 2012

WARNING: Rated "R" (this email is NOT for wussies)

YOU can do this.
YOU are worth it.
YOU are more powerful than you know.
YOU can live the life that you've ALWAYS wanted.
YOU can live your dreams NOW (not later).
Sometimes, your dreams are A LOT closer
than you think.
And I have PROOF that's TRUE all around me 
right now.....
...because A LOT of people have said.....
F*ck the bullshit.
F*ck the weenie commissions.
F*ck the "gurus".
F*ck "the status quo".
F*ck being "average".
I'm gonna STAND UP and make it happen.....
BK did. < == Email PROOF above
So did Shalonda Gordon. < == Video PROOF
So did Mack Zidon. < == Video PROOF
So did Christina Munoz. < == Video PROOF
So did Tracey Walker. < == Video PROOF
So whether you have the ability to meet me 
tonight or not.....
YOU can find your greatness, too.
Do it.
You will be in awe of your potential.
And I will walk with you every step of the way.
We WILL be knocked down, but.....
We won't allow that to keep us down.
I will NEVER stop fighting with you.
I won't give up on you.
WE will prevail.
Because that's what we do.
We ARE Empowered.
Our time is RIGHT NOW.
Let's do this.
- David Sharpe
"The Original 100% Commission Magician"
P.S. For heavens sake.... 

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